
The Trona Equestrian Client Relations team are available to help with any enquiries you may have, whether it be with styling or sizing advice, help with an order or to our wish list, we always love to hear from you. If you have a quick question, our FAQ section may also be able to assist with you with your enquiry.

Information about the company


Registration code: 302730136
VAT: LT100011858218
Address: Galvydžio g. 3, LT-08236, Vilnius.

+370 68637822

Local store

Trona Equestrian

Address: Galvydžio g. 3, LT-08236, Vilnius.
Open hours: I-V 11:00-17:00

11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Do you have any questions? Email us!

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